No such thing as one size fits all.
Personalize learning paths for employees, coordinate training requests and demonstrate the impact of learning.
What should L&D be about?
Planning learning and development activities should be a streamlined and collaborative process involving employees, line managers, subject matter experts and L&D department based on capability gaps. The goal should be to help commit to measurable improvement in the employee’s capability and ultimately, the business performance.
How Laudah does L&D Request Management & Action Planning
Laudah helps to perform training needs analysis by identifying the best solution to the performance problem and creating a realistic plan with rich practice scenarios that may or may not include training ensuring that resources are expended most effectively where they can have the greatest impact on the performance of the organisation.
- Organizational Analysis
Understand the current situation and issues driving the L&D activities, determine strategic alignment to inform priority and define the desired outcomes with clear metrics to measure success.
- Learning Analysis
Define the “HOW” of the developmental activities in terms of the learning options, learning styles & methods, learning providers and certification requirements.
- Task Analysis
Create/re-use personalized learning path with “enforced order capability” - making sure the learner follows the agreed step-by-step sequence of activities to build the necessary competence while leveraging existing organizational knowledge assets. Laudah equally allows the definition of the “WHO” - (Learner, Manager, HR/L&D and Assessor), the “WHEN” - (start & end date of each action), and the “HOW MUCH” - (costs and budget spent to date by the learner).
- Impact Evaluation
Measure reactions from L&D actions by empowering learners to complete a survey after learning and evaluate learning impact to understand the percentage of learning that has been applied back at work.
- Communication & Approval workflow
Streamline communication through functionalities such as comments, file sharing, appointment scheduling and automated approval workflow. Save tons of time wasted on avoidable administrative tasks.
- Learning Request Board
Equip L&D specialists with a centralized place to coordinate all requests, filter by employees or department, manage budget and approval requests. Also, users can visualise learning request status on a user-friendly Kanban-like board with robust approval gates that make it difficult to move from one stage to another until required actions are taken.
Laudah is way beyond just a workforce planning tool
Check out other features of Laudah
Audit Log
Get a detailed trail of all activities that occur on Laudah, making it easy to know who did what and at what time.
Event Notification
Never miss any important event. Users have the flexibility of selecting any event they want to be notified on.
Deployment Options
Balance data security concerns and application overhead with flexible deployment options.
Integration through API
Seamlessly integrate with other applications and systems, never worry about how existing systems can work with Laudah.
SLA & Support
We see our clients as the reason for our existence. Therefore, we go all the way to meet their needs and also provide ongoing support.
GDPR Compliant
No worries about unsolicited messages, as we are compliant with EU GDPR policy on the control and processing of your personal data.
Not clear on anything?
Drop us a note and we’ll be in touch soon.