Your greatest asset is your PEOPLE.

Provide career clarity, discover hidden talents in your workforce, increase employee engagement and drive retention.

How important is Employee Career Management?

Leveraging career pathing as a career management tool, is a ‘must-have’ for employers to help employees visualize, map and track their future within the organization, letting them in on what is needed to achieve their next career steps.

How Laudah does Employee Career Management

Laudah career management solution uses employee competency information and career ladders to design individualized career path and drive their career growth journey.
Use a skills-centric approach to support the organisation's talent and career management processes. Enables employee to view their skill and learning development plans for their current roles and also identify skill requirements for future career developments. As a result, employees are put in the drivers' seats of their own career development.
Empower HR, line managers and individual to create a visual lateral and vertical progression roadmap of the progression opportunity for managers and individual contributors within a business unit or the wider organization. Also, calibrate each career level into short-term milestone achievements, to help employees see progress without having to wait too long for the big promotion and provide compensation and progression information for each career step.
Empower employees, HR and line manager to collaboratively design career paths. As a result, employees can view information about future roles such as job description and salary information, employees currently in those future roles who can mentor them, required competencies and their gaps.


Laudah is way beyond just a workforce planning tool

Check out other features of Laudah

Audit Log

Get a detailed trail of all activities that occur on Laudah, making it easy to know who did what and at what time.

Event Notification

Never miss any important event. Users have the flexibility of selecting any event they want to be notified on.

Deployment Options

Balance data security concerns and application overhead with flexible deployment options.

Integration through API

Seamlessly integrate with other applications and systems, never worry about how existing systems can work with Laudah.

SLA & Support

We see our clients as the reason for our existence. Therefore, we go all the way to meet their needs and also provide ongoing support.

GDPR Compliant

No worries about unsolicited messages, as we are compliant with EU GDPR policy on the control and processing of your personal data.


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